Tag Archives: Australia


Dear Rotary Member,
You are receiving this email as a Rotarian or Rotaractor in Zone 8 – Australia, New Zealand and the many other countries that make up our part of the Rotary world.
For the past three years a group of Rotarians and Rotaractors have been working on a pilot project to consider how we can enhance Rotary and Rotaract and ensure we remain relevant for the future while also addressing some of the challenges we have been facing for a while.
In February 2022, the Rotary International (RI) Board gave its approval in principle to proceed with the pilot, subject to approval by clubs.  A second green light was the Council on Legislation approval for changes of governance in April 2022.  We are now one of just two regional pilots in the Rotary world looking to explore, develop and test new ways of operating.
What are we seeking to achieve through regionalisation?  We want to ensure the best support possible to Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs. Through a less layered and more devolved contemporary approach members can continue to do what they do best – projects and connections/fellowship.  We aim to reduce duplication and streamline processes, encourage even broader and more collaboration in areas such as public image, marketing Rotary, partnering with business, government and service partners, and make leadership roles more attractive and doable.
To do this, we envisage a Regional Council for Zone 8 and Rotary Australia and Rotary New Zealand (Oceania) bodies to be formed.  An Interim Regional Council with limited roles will likely start on 1 July 2023, with a final model in place by 1 July 2026. Monitoring and evaluating how the changes are delivering benefit are an important part of the project. We don’t know yet exactly what the final model will look like and you will have your chance to have a say.
It is important that you, our fellow Rotarians, are consulted throughout this process. In fact, the project cannot proceed without the support of members and clubs.
The third green light needed to proceed is support of Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs, a condition of the RI Board’s approval.  Support of clubs will be shown through a vote, which will happen in September 2022, with a vote first of clubs then of districts.
From mid-June right through to August, every club and member will have the chance to hear about what is proposed, to have their say and to ask questions. Each district has a District Regionalisation Representative who is coordinating the briefing of clubs.
Being a pilot gives us the chance to shape our own Rotary and Rotaract futures.
If you would like to  find out more there is information available on the dedicated website, creatingtomorrowrotary.org  along with the opportunity to “Have your Say” and “Subscribe” to updates.  There will also be opportunities to volunteer and get involved in work groups.
If you want to learn more about the background, visit creatingtomorrowrotary.org/initiation-petition  
Other helpful resources include a Fact Sheet and a video.
|You can also reach the Regionalisation Pilot Project Team directly at rotaryregionalpilot@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
Regionalisation Pilot Project Team
Co-chairs Ingrid Waugh (NZ/Oceania) and Peter Frueh (Australia)