What is Rotary?

At the recent interviews held to select students from Year 11 to attend the National Youth Science Forum, one of the questions asked was what they thought Rotary was as an organisation.
What is Rotary? we are often asked and we often, as Rotarians, have difficulty in answering this question.

There were many excellent responses and I would ask that you publish in a forthcoming enews the response which we received from Vicky Lee – a Melbourne student applying for the National Youth Science Forum. Here is her response which any one of us would be proud to use.

”                   Rotary International Written by Victoria Li 

2020: Rotary Opens Opportunities 

Rotary International is an organisation of more than a million members based on the foundation to bring professionals, businesses, and individuals to provide service and humanitarian aid to the local and global community. The positive impacts of Rotary are evident in many areas of the community. As a high school student searching for opportunities and desiring to make a positive impact in the society, I will grow to play a part in, Rotary has inspired and motivated me to seek Service before Self.

Most relevant to me as a student are the areas of involvement in community service, student opportunities and health and medical aid. As a teenage girl, I am passionate about the safety of all members of the community, especially youth, women, and the elderly. Programs of policing and support offered by Rotary ensure and provide a safe place for potentially vulnerable members of society. Safety is a human right and comfort in one’s own home should be undeniable yet incidents like these are occurring all around us. Rotary’s positive impacts surrounding the issue provide a sense of protection and raise awareness for me as a high school girl. Furthermore, the immensely gracious student opportunities that Rotary offers has provided me confidence, especially during the current pandemic. From leadership roles, to scholarships and bursaries for rural medical and nursing students, 2020’s theme of “Rotary Opens Opportunities” is clearly reflected. I believe that all students regardless of background should be offered equal opportunities and Rotary’s support has enabled this. In a time where I felt that many opportunities were closing their doors to me during quarantine, the works of the organisation ensured that programs such as the NYSF still proceeded. It is reassuring and has enabled me to continue to pursue my academic endeavours and contribute my services. Finally, the aspect that I am most inspired by and hope to be able to become involved in is the amazing works of Rotary regarding medical health, hygiene, and aid. As an aspiring student who hopes to pursue a career in medicine to be able to help others, initiatives and projects such as the “End Polio” are not only inspiring but have also proven to have immensely positive impacts on a large scale. Hygiene and sanitation, amongst many other services that Rotary have provided, on a scientific and medical scale have motivated my interests more and further confirmed my desire to be able to help a wider community with my skills in the future.

I remember growing up with Rotary as my neighbour unaware at the time of its drastic, positive influences in the community. I have always been curious so walking past the building everyday prompted my investigations into the organisation. I hope that in the future, Rotary becomes something more than the building I used to walk past in primary school, but an involvement where I can contribute alongside with the many inspiring individuals and teams to make a positive impact, locally, in a community or for our global society.”

What a great Rotaractor and Rotarians she will make in the future. I will also send you a further excellent response from one of the students.

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